Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Diary Of Vera Claythorne

There had been a lot of tension in the house. Everyone was going insane. Every day, a person died from an unknown cause. We never knew who would be next. There was one thing we knew for sure. Every day a person died, the China Indian figures would decrease.There was another question that was brought up. Where was Mr. and Mrs. Owen? Were they on Indian Island? Did they even exist? Why were we sent here?

We found out that there was no one on the Island apart from us. Justice Wargrave believes that if U.N. Owen is not on this Island, he must be one of us. I for one think the man is insane. How could U.N. Owen be one of us? We have been living in this house for at least 4 days. If U.N. Owen was one of us, we would have caught him red handed already. I will be very careful to watch my back though, because I do not want to die. If one of us is the murderer, two of the deaths in this house have been from poison, so I believe Dr. Armstrong is the culprit. The only thing Dr. Armstrong claims to have given Mrs. Rogers was the sleeping draught, and I believe that was what caused her to die. I do not trust Dr. Armstrong at all. Lombard and I were talking, and he believes that Wargrave is the murderer because he is old and believes he is the God Almighty, the controller of life and death. I am not sure exactly who the murderer is, but until we find out, I will be very careful to watch my back.

-Vera Claythorne

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